Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Cekmi, Famous?
End-of-Semester Examination
Semester 2, 2006/2007

Subject: Certificate English 1
Code: CEL1141

Section 1
Paragraph Writing
(20 marks)

Instruction to students:

Write a paragraph of about 150 words on a) or b) below. Your paragraph SHOULD NOT EXCEED the 150-word limit. Anything above 150 words will not be considered for marking. Write your paragraph in the space provided.

a) A Famous Person I Wish to Meet


b) An Island I want to Visit

A Famous Person I Wish to Meet

A famous person I wish to Meet is my lecturer, I called his name is “Cik Mi”. He is my English lecturer. He is a Famous Person in My college. I have Three reason why I wish to meet him. first of three reason is caring. He is caring. for example When I did’t come to his class, he meet me and tell what is my problems, asks and gives some advice how to settle them. Secondly, he is Responsibility, such as When I don’t understand about one topics or question, he always gives me the introduction how to understand and finish the work. And Lastly, he is funny. for enstance, When the class feel boring, he can make jokes, gives “teka-teki”, singing, dancing, and others how to make a funny class. When the class feel funny We can studying with happy. As conslution, I want to says “Thank you very much” for my lecturer. Because he always gives advice, reminds me, thanks for everything. You is best lecturer and forgive me, if i make u angry or anything what did’t you like. May God bless you. Take care and Respect!


p/s I did not mark this writing. One of my colleagues did. The student got 16 out of 20 marks.


mused by cekmi @ 9:28 AM  
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