Monday, April 16, 2007
A Flicker of Hope
“The soul yearns to fly home
On the wings of love
To the world of ideas
Because it longs to be freed
From the chains of the body…”


Barely four months of breathing
The foetus wanted to leave
Ummi had to let him go
So soon

Since her womb couldn’t bear it
The baby has departed
Flying up there
So soon

This physical limitation
Has discontinued a life
Took away a hope
So soon

The ride of love is tried
But not to worry
Heavan he goes
So soon

The heartbeat has already stopped
How easy life is taken away
This hope flickers away
So soon

So long, my little brother…


mused by cekmi @ 11:09 AM  
cekmi's world

Meet cekmi – a confused Kelantanese man who is continuously amused by his blurry budu past and his modern chopstick life. As he moves further up towards his worldly pursuit, he moves even closer down to his original state of buduness. These are his budu tales.
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