Greed: | High
| | Gluttony: | Medium
| | Wrath: | High
| | Sloth: | Medium
| | Envy: | Low
| | Lust: | Medium
| | Pride: | High
| |
The Seven Deadly Sins Quiz on Answer these questions:-
1. greed - what luxury item did you last buy? My Bvlgary, bought 10% off in Langkawi
2. gluttony - what is your favorite food? Nasi Ayam Mancongkam, especially bungkus one
3. wrath - what makes you angry? When stupid TNB always sends me electric bills I have paid
4. sloth - when are you at your laziest? Geeting up from sleep, knowing I have an 8 o’clock class
5. envy - what brings the green-eyed monster in you? Seeing a good décor in a friend’s house
6. lust - what / who do you lust after? What? Hot chocolate. Who? Evita Peron.
7. pride - what are you most proud of? Breaking up, living alone, finishing master’s degree (ok lah, the most one is: - my baby face, ahaks!)
Okay enche zuhri? Labels: cekmi's true colours |