Monday, October 30, 2006
My New Ummi


The wedding ceremony went so unbelievably successfully. All my brothers and sisters were there, lightheartedly welcoming our new Ummi. Finally, all of us were fully supportive and, for the first time, buying a wedding present together for the bridegroom, our beloved Ayah. It was overwhelming. We were so over-excited preparing for sambut menantu ceremony (well, in our case, it should be renamed to sambut ibu ceremony).

The foods were marvelous. The invitees were smiling cheerfully. It was heartwarmingly bizarre.

The akad nikah was done so smoothly with only one lafaz (wah, my Ayah was so well-versed).

But most surprisingly, my new Ummi. The first time I saw her, she reminded me of my late ma.

The similar soft smile.
The similar square face.
The similar soothing eyes.
The similar motherly gesture.

Pandai ayah kau pilih,” said a lot of my relatives.

It is true. I like my new Ummi.

May their marriage lasts for a lifetime.


mused by cekmi @ 12:43 PM  
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