Thursday, November 02, 2006
A Night To Forget
Sorry students. I hate to say this. But honestly, I didn’t enjoy it. At all.

Business Communication Grand Dinner – as the name clearly suggests - was supposed to be a night full of grandness and treasured memories. But, there had been so many unexpected things happened that night that had spoilt my mood. I know, it was an important night for you, a night to get together with your beloved friends before you leave the college very soon, but for me, it was a night of disaster, which was not worth attending to. Frankly speaking, I regretted that I actually was there. Tough revelation, isn’t it? But you must know this.

The theme, first of all, was supposed to be a grand dinner for graduating students especially Business Communication students, but it was messed up with the concept of Raya gathering. IIC Eid Gathering? What is this? You should stick to a grand dinner concept. I saw a lot of people were confused too, not aware of the theme changes. Funny mixture of formal and informal outfits were seen everywhere.

As for me, I had prepared for a formal dinner outfit, but was informed on a very short notice that I had to wear Raya outfit. I ended up with a Deeparaya style – a white Indian kurta (correct spelling?) covered with a green shawl and a songkok. The moment I stepped out of my house, I didn’t like the way I dressed up. I looked like an Indian politician going for a cheap campaign or a Tabligh ustaz who did not belong to a glamorous event (Why the hell, in the first place, did I choose those disastrous fashions for a grand dinner?). This uncomfortable feeling subconsciously ignited the chains of the following unpleasant details.

The programme was supposed to commence at 8pm (until that time, I didn’t receive any tentative program and was merely informed verbally, which I initiated myself). Being meticulous, I made some allowance for traffic jam, so I started the journey as early as possible so that I could be there on time. However, when I punctually arrived at Dewan Merak Kayangan, I was informed that the venue was changed to Dewan Perdana Felda. Hmmm. You should’ve informed me this earlier.

I got pissed off.

When I arrived at Dewan Perdana Felda, I found that I was among the unluckiest bunch of people who were being victimized by the sickening janji melayu. Only few students were there. No one was bothered to usher me to my seat. I didn’t expect for a VIP treatment (although I was supposed to be one of them), but at least, there should be someone accompanying me when I arrived there. Show some respect, okay.

I really got pissed off.

So I got back to my car and waited inside the car - waiting uncomfortably for other ‘VVIPs’ to arrive. The programme gradually started at 9pm. For the record, I waited stupidly inside my car for one stupid hour! What a lousy job to do. The whole programme that night was terribly coordinated. Full of mess. In fact, it was the worst event I have ever attended to. No usherers. Latecomers. Traffic jam? Come on, you should have expected this. Hello! This is KL okay, not your kampongs. Why can’t you guys be a little punctual? What have you learned in my class? (Business communication students konon).

I really really got pissed off.

Trying hard to smile, I did my best to compensate my inconvenience with the supposedly exciting programs planned for the dinner. But, things turned out even uglier. The foods were far too simple to be considered grand. The student band sang so badly it hurt my ears so annoyingly (Were they singing or talking?). The MC invited one of my colleagues to sing. Fine. But, have a courtesy to invite me as well. Not that I am talented singer, but it was a generous act to do so, even if I might refuse. In fact, I had in mind to sing one of my favourite songs, but no one bothered to ask me to. And suddenly, the MC asked someone to sing and that fella sang my favourite song. Argh!

I got pissed off again.

At the end of the program, the MC did the biggest mistake in the universe. He forgot to mention my name during appreciation award for Business Communication lecturers. When the MC finally called my name, I felt so dejected and downgraded.

I extremely got so pissed off (I really wish I wasn’t there).

Students, I know it was your first time organizing such a big event. But, that was not the excuse to be a bad organizer. Please. Please get some advice form the learned to do things in a right way. Indeed, you are going to have a hard time later in a post-mortem session. Wait and see.

Oh, I want my dinner money back.


mused by cekmi @ 3:53 PM  
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