Monday, January 08, 2007

Be extra prepared Cekmi
Who knows the moment
When they are coming to you
You might be badly hurt
Out of full preparedness

When being prepared is the best weapon
It’s this very weapon that kills you
When expecting the worst is the best defense
It’s this very defense that cheats on you
When sweet charm overwhelms you with joy
It’s this very joy that saddens you

When you least expect them
They come mercilessly
When they really come
It really hurts you

Like a sharp knife waiting to slice
Like a ladder falling on the ground
Like a deep hole calling for its prey
Like a dry leaf waiting to be tossed
Like a thunderstorm during the rain
Like a fragile egg broken into pieces
Like a fake lover leaving you helplessly

Yes dear Cekmi
It hurts


mused by cekmi @ 10:41 AM  
cekmi's world

Meet cekmi – a confused Kelantanese man who is continuously amused by his blurry budu past and his modern chopstick life. As he moves further up towards his worldly pursuit, he moves even closer down to his original state of buduness. These are his budu tales.
cekmi's ramblings
cekmi's treasures
cekmi's jewels
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