We are continuously surrounded by misfortunes, which could take us by unspoken surprises and terrible consequences. The moment it happens, everything might seem out of control, and we are as helpless as the leaves falling off the old trees, as insignificant as the ants being swept trivially by human feet. Nothing in the world seems to care, not even those who witness it.
Little Mr. Dream is of no excuse.
He just got out of LRT at Terminal Putra Station when something terrible happened. Out of the blue, a few rugged-looking men stopped him.
Hoi, kau yang rogol adik aku ye?” said the angry fat man to Little Mr. Dream.
Hei, aku dah hilang sabar ni, kau jangan tak mengaku!” the fat man went on, breathing so hard it could kill Little Mr Dream alive.
For few awkward moments, Little Mr Dream was utterly speechless. Finally he responded:
Tolonglah bang, saya tak buat apa pun!”
He was dragged into Proton Waja by force, and beaten up. Mercilessly.
He was found later in a neighbourhood near National Zoo, few kilometers away from the station. He was robbed and beaten up. He was clueless and confused. Apparently, he was the most unlikely to be accused as a rapist. For the record, that was one of the terrible chains of misfortunes he experienced in recent years.
Poor Little Mr. Dream. The world has been so unkind to him.
Little Miss Stupid was quarrelling with her lover again, who later beat her up, leaving her face injured, and left alone in the middle of MRR2, late at night.
“Why didn’t you fight him back?” I asked her afterward.
“I can’t. I love him so much.”
“Come on. Don’t tell me again that he is the one!” I said sarcastically.
“Let it be. I have forgiven him. I just want him to be happy. I care for him”
“Does he care for your own happiness?” I became impatient and said, “Wake up girl! You should be kinder toward yourself.”
Poor Little Miss Stupid. In the name of love, she became blind and turned the world heartlessly unkind.
Our sister Lunacy is facing an unruly world. Perhaps, this is the blessing in disguise for another precious gift from Him. And perhaps, this is the time for us to show our little mercy and care for our Guardian Angel.
You once made the world so beautifuL
But now the motherly world is testing yoU
We all miss the heartwarming passioN
For you have created everlasting dramA
Making our stories so unbelievably fantastiC
Showing us the beauty out of our lunatic tragedYWe surely live in an unkind world. So, let us treat each other kind, and charm this world with our kindnesses, so that we can undo its unkindnesses and replace it with all the possible beauties.